Think about your answers to these questions…

What do you find when you search for ‘perinatal mental health’ on your company intranet?

Do you know how to help a person struggling with poor perinatal mental health?

How many people in your organisation are suffering in silence because they don’t feel supported?

It’s time to close the parent gap.

It’s not a badge, it’s a movement

Free Resources

  • Foundational resources can be found across this website to help you understand perinatal mental health, from the blog to case studies from other organisations. You can also find free toolkits to equip your HR team and Line Managers/Supervisors to take simple steps to support someone struggling with a perinatal mental health illness.

  • Work through resources on this website at your own pace. We will keep adding to them so please keep checking back for the latest updates.

  • Free of charge. Please use it and share it with others far and wide.

Standard Partner

  • The modules covered within this plan are listed below. The Standard Partner plan will give you the tools and templates you need to implement and provide comprehensive support for new parents’ and carers’ mental health.

    This is a self-led programme but you will have a dedicated Account Manager for the duration of your membership to help you at any point you need a bit of advice.

    Your resources can be accessed via the Members Area of the website, where you will also find a list of available add-ons to your plan, at an additional cost.

  • This is a ‘take it at your own pace’ membership, renewed annually. Once you have completed your certification, you can choose to upgrade to the Gold Partner plan or remain at your current level, and we will keep updating the resources you have access to so that you are always maintaining a good standard of support. Your certification will be re-evaluated every two years.

  • This is an annual membership fee, please contact us to find out more.

Coming early 2025

Gold Standard Partner

  • This is our most comprehensive programme, for organisations who want to offer best in class support. The modules covered within this plan are listed below. The Gold Standard Partner plan will give you the tools and templates you need and also provide bespoke consultancy support. We will work alongside you to implement and provide comprehensive support for new parents’ and carers’ mental health.

    This is guided programme, with a dedicated Account Manager for the duration of your membership.

    Your resources can be accessed via the Members Area of the website and bespoke consultancy and in-person/virtual sessions arranged via your Account Manager.

  • This is a guided membership and is renewed annually. Once you have completed your certification (the target timeframe is within 1 year), your membership continues to ensure that you remain at a best practice level, we will keep updating the resources you have access to so that you are always maintaining an excellent standard of support. Your certification will be re-evaluated every two years.

  • This is an annual membership fee, please contact us to find out more.

Coming early 2025

Core modules in the Partner plans

Raising Awareness

We start with helping your organisation have a basic level of understanding of perinatal mental health. In collaboration with our research partner, Wish I’d Known, we will research (anonymously) how new parents and carers in your organisation currently feel about a range of topics influencing their mental health at work.

Essential Templates

From toolkits for your HR team and Line Managers/Supervisors (which you can access for free in our Toolkits page) to understanding how to take Health & Safety requirements a step further to include people returning from parental leave.

Policy Support

Know which policies should include perinatal mental health and how it should be included. For Gold Standard partners, we will provide expert HR consultancy to help you review and update your family and mental health policies.

Education and Training

Access a range of materials aimed at taking your knowledge about perinatal mental health from basic to more comprehensive. This can complement existing Mental Health First Aider training or support the implementation of Perinatal Mental Health Champions within your ERG’s or wider organisation.

Accessing Support

Understand how to enhance any existing EAP or Wellbeing programmes with support organisations designed exclusively for trying, expecting and new parents. You can also learn how to safely support internal discussions about perinatal mental health illnesses with our ‘Safe Storytelling’ resources.


A transparent and simple evaluation process will be completed at the point you feel ready to be assessed for your Standard or Gold Partner status. On successful completion, you will earn your badge which you can proudly display to show your dedication to setting and upholding a new standard of mental health care for new parents and carers.

All modules above are covered within the Standard Partner and Gold Partner plans, but resources vary depending on your chosen plan. Standard Partners will have access to online resources and ad-hoc support from an Account Manager. Gold Partners will also have access to bespoke consultancy services, tailored sessions with a member(s) of The Parent Gap team and enhanced support from their Account Manager.

Join the movement, close the parent gap.